Starting to realize how inefficient I am being at juggling multiple projects...
I am currently working on about 3 main games, 2 prototype-esque projects, and strictly programming another game for a fellow newgrounds member. I work on on project for awhile and then switch to another game - it keeps things fresh ya know? Well....everything I go back to a project I have to re-read a lot of my major classes and see how they all mesh together. Like I remember what classes do what but I may not remember what every function does or what exactly all the variables are tied to. It's kind of annoying. It is also making it take so much longer to finish any one single game.
Anyone else have trouble juggling multiple projects? Or is it just something you get used to?
I think I am just going to trim down my projects to 1-2 right now.
I have no problem keeping things fresh within one project. If a project is large enough there are always interesting things to do with it.