Been teaching myself programming since the start of 2014. Making simple games for now but as my knowledge grows so will my projects!

Age 38, Male

Indie Game Dev


Joined on 12/13/05

Exp Points:
6,770 / 6,940
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Vote Power:
6.69 votes
Art Scouts
Police Officer
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It is about time I did a new post. I don't know how many people actually read these, but for those of you that do I appreciate it :)

2016 baby! New year, new me! ...Fuck that... Just saying that put a bad taste in my mouth haha But seriously, 2016 is going to be an awesome year for me. Or so I hope. I haven't completed a game since August of 2014, but I'm hoping to change that this year. School has been my #1 time sink in life but that is slowly changing as I am almost done with my program. Luckily, I still found time to work on improving my programming skills and build several prototypes - none of which were worth pursuing beyond that stage haha - but I so sorely miss working on a game from beginning to completion. 

Currently I am working on a side project currently called Harmony. It's a simple flash game and it is actually my first game to feature any kind of story haha Working on it has been a great AS3 refresher for me and a "wonderful" reminder of the issues that come with making a game within Flash. I recently finished wrapping up all of the story elements and key events and would say that 70% of the core engine is finished. Due to its simplicity the programming for the game should be finished relatively soon. The art assets....not so soon. I don't practice creating art all that often and I've never been very good at it. For this game I'm going to make my first attempt at pixel art...wish me luck! I tried finding an artist to work with but couldn't find the right one for this project. So for now... 

Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!!  ....Ok. Fine. It is just placeholder art while I test code.

I was also recently reached out to by @DanielCotorogea with an offer to create a game with him. I think it is going to be a fun project and simple enough to manage with everything else I have going on. I've only worked with an artist one other time before and, while that game didn't work out, it was great working on a project with someone else besides Me, Myself, and I. For the most part, I'm taking a backseat as a game designer and will just be the programmer for the game which, honestly, will be kind of nice for a change. 

Lastly, I am slowly developing a small prototype for a 3D horror game in Unity. I've been using Unity and learning C# over the past year or so through my schooling and I do quite enjoy it. It's a lot of fun working on this project but one that I will be pacing myself on. I'm hoping to complete the prototype sometime between June and August....this summber basically.

Well... If you managed to read all of this you are awesome ^_^ I am going to start doing these blogs on a biweekly basis. I also started up some social media sites as well for my work because....why the hell not! So if you're bored you can go check them out and say hi if you want to. Or not. Either way I love you in that non-creepy kind of way.

Latest Art


Recent Game Medals

8,095 Points

Confidence 25 Points

You came prepared, you left a winner

Liquid Courage 10 Points

A little whiskey never hurt anyone...

Game Completed 10 Points

Complete the game

Bridge 10 Points

Complete level 10

Vicarious? 10 Points

Complete level 7

Trust Exercise 5 Points

Complete level 4

New Friend 5 Points

Complete level 1

Field Journalist 5 Points

Learn all about everything by opening the field journal!

Cheater 5 Points

Cheat the game by referring to the cheatsheat

Three's Company 10 Points

Win with three hearts.