Game is done. Publication details are done. Just waiting on approval for my ads. Started getting OCD and kept refreshing the page multiple times a day only to see those words staring at me: Status: Pending.
I don't even know why I care so much about waiting for the approval. My game, if I can even call it that as it is so simple, may not even survive the portal. Kids here may just BLAM it all to hell. They don't care how much hard work it took to learn the code to make such a simple game.
Oh'll launch soon. I wonder how long the approval process takes...
I believe once you publish the game then ads might appear? It's happened to me like 1 or 2 times. Maybe PM Tom about it?
Whoa someone found my blog haha I don't know if I want to bug Tom about it. I just want this last thing to be done so I can focus on future games.