My second full animation is up! Check it out here! Must say I am proud of this. Made it while still learning some new Flash techniques. I know it doesn't show any plot but there is one in the next episode. That is if you guys want there to be one! So rate and review and let me know what you guys think!
Hey there , do u remember me? the guy who reviewed Lost prophet while it was under judgement...I see that u didn't gave me the sequel that u said u were gonna do , i'm still waiting if ur interesed of doing it , and if u already gave up ,no problem then .Just wanted to tell u.
Holy crap.....So I haven't logged on in like a year cuz almost everyone made fun of my art abilities in my Zelda animation. I'm no artist and never will be I just like to entertain people. I can't believe you were still wanting a sequel. You are like the only one but that still makes me stoked haha :)